Safeco Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance through Safeco:
Trusted Care
for Your Companions.
At Safeco, we know how important your pets are to you. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Hartville Pet Insurance
Program to help more pet parents gain access to reliable and affordable pet insurance plans. And as a current Safeco
Insurance® customer, you could save up to 10% on your pet insurance policy.
It’s Good for You and Your Pets:
With Safeco, you'll enjoy:
- Up to 10% discount offered in most states.
- A selection of different annual limits, annual deductibles
and reimbursement percentages.
- Coverage available for accidents and illnesses with the option
of a preventive add-on at an additional cost.
Help Protect Your Pet and Your Wallet:
We offer:
- $100, $250 or $500 annual deductibles.
- Reimbursement of 90%, 80% or 70% of eligible charges
- Annual limits of $2,500, $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000.
- Accidents, with the exception of ligament and knee conditions
and Preventive Care have no waiting period.
- 14-day waiting period on illnesses and ligament and
knee conditions.
Get More Choices:
Find the level of care that’s right for you:
- Policies are eligible for one of three preventive care options
at an additional cost.
- Preventive Care options range from $9.95/month to
- Coverage is available for dental cleanings, wellness exams,
heartworm tests, DHLPP vaccines and more.
Coverage Available from Head to Tail:
- Accidents and injuries
- Hospitalization
- Emergency visits
- Vaccinations
- Flea prevention
- And more!
- Illness
- Rx medications
- Surgery
- Annual physicals
- Dental trauma
- And more!