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Homeowners Insurance Basics – Weymouth, Quincy, MA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, August 11, 2016

Here’s what you need to know if you’re in the market for homeowner insurance to protect your biggest investment - your home.

The law doesn’t require home insurance. However, you’ll have a hard time coming up with good reasons not to, because homeowner insurance protects your most valuable assets. This includes the structure of your “dwelling” (which could be a house, townhouse, condo, or co-op), and your belongings and possessions.

Home insurance protects you in other important ways, too. It provides money for rent and living expenses if your home becomes unlivable due to damaged caused near or to your home.  The homeowner policy also protects you and your assets through liability coverage.

Not Required? Not Entirely…

Only people who pay for their homes in cash, or those that have paid off their mortgage are not required to carry home insurance.  Pretty much everyone else must insure their home, as most mortgage lenders require it.

That’s why you should know as much as possible about homeowner’s insurance coverage.

Basic Components

Homeowner’s insurance policies typically cover the following:

Your home and "structures"—this includes plumbing fixtures, electrical wiring, and heating and permanent air-conditioning systems inside your home. It also includes external ones like fences, garages, gazebos, and sheds.

Your Stuff—Clothes, electronics, furniture, books– basically everything that can fall out of your home if you turned it upside down can be covered through your home insurance. Bonus: these are protected even when they’re not on your property. For example, when they’re in your car or with you at work or on vacation.

Your insurance company will repair or replace all of the above (up to a set limit) if they’re stolen, damaged, or destroyed by lightning, fire, hail, hurricane, or any other disaster that’s listed in your homeowner’s policy.

Note: Protection against floods require a separate policy, and earthquake coverage can be added to most homeowner policies for an additional fee.

Standard homeowner policies also:

  • Cover you when you’re hit with a lawsuit related to bodily injury or property damage caused by you, a live-in family member, or your pets
  • Provides no-fault medical coverage, which means your insurance company will pay the medical bills for people who are hurt on your property or are hurt by your pets
  • Pay some of your living expenses (hotel bills, restaurant meals, and more) if your home is damaged or destroyed by one of the above-mentioned disasters, and you’re forced to live elsewhere while it’s being repaired or rebuilt

Increasing Coverage

Many companies have added additional coverage like equipment breakdown, law and ordinance, and expanded replacement cost to name a few.

You can also buy personal umbrella liability insurance to raise the limits of your liability coverage and protect yourself against claims of libel or slander. Rates and coverage vary depending on the amount of protection you want, cars you own, along with other factors like number of houses, boats, you own.

The most common homeowner’s insurance form is the HO3:

Special Form (HO-3)— the most popular homeowner insurance policy because it provides people with the broadest coverage, and is required by most mortgage companies.

Note: if you own a multi-family home, you can add an endorsement to your “Special Form” policy to cover risks related to having rented units.

Co-op, Condo, and Renter Policies

If you own a condo or co-op or rent a home, you should check out these policies:

  • Tenants Form (HO-4)—Perfect for renters, this policy type protects possessions as well as loss of use and liability coverage.  
  • Condominium Unit Owners Form (HO-6)—Along with a condo owner’s belongings, this policy type can insure the floor, ceiling, and walls against all of the disasters covered by the “Broad Form” policy. It’s recommended to check your condo docs to see where the condo association’s master policy leave gaps in coverage to the space you own.  

Levels of Coverage

After selecting a homeowner’s insurance policy, you must choose a level of coverage.

The two main options are:

  • Actual cash value—your insurer will pay you “market value”. This means depreciation will be factored into the final cost for your home or possessions should they be lost, stolen, or destroyed due to any of the disasters named in your policy.
  • Replacement cost—your insurer will refer to the original price of any items that need to be rebuilt, repaired, or replaced, no matter how old or outdated they may have been when they were destroyed, damaged, lost, or stolen. Most mortgage companies require your home to be insured at 100% of its replacement cost.

Your insurance broker can give you the best advice when considering these options. Contact Lallis & Higgins for more information on home insurance.

Flood Insurance: What You Need to Know – Braintree, Weymouth, MA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, August 05, 2016

Do you have flood insurance? Do you need flood insurance?

If you don’t have the answers to these questions or are unsure of the answers to these key questions, keep reading.

Of all the natural disasters impacting the United States, floods are the most common. Average homeowners are five times more likely to deal with flood than fire damage. (And your chances increase if you live in a medium- or high-risk area for floods.)

Flood damage can be expensive to repair. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) estimates a six-inch flood that hits a 2,000-square-foot home is likely to cause about $40,000 in damage.

Then there's the surprising fact that most standard homeowners and renters insurance policies don't cover flood damage.

Homeowners and Renters Policies Don't Cover Flood Damage

Typical homeowners and rental insurance policies don't cover flood damage.

Most people ignore flood insurance for this very reason. They assume the insurance they have will protect them from the aftermath of a flood.

You have to go out of your way to buy flood insurance as a separate policy from the NFIP. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers this insurance as does one of the 80 private insurance companies that provide flood coverage.

A Few More Reasons as to Why You Shouldn't Ignore Flood Insurance

Generally people overlook flood insurance because they don’t think they need it.

Statistics show US homeowners (and renters), in general, are likely to deal with flood damage at some point in their lives.

Chances are higher if you live in an area that's considered “high risk” for flooding. There’s a one in four chance of experiencing a flood during the life of a 30-year mortgage in high risk areas.

Low- or moderate-risk areas field almost 25 percent of flood-damage claims. So, flood insurance is a good idea no matter where you live.

When You Are and Aren't Required to Have Flood Insurance

Do you live in a high risk area? Is your mortgage with a federally regulated or insured lender?

If you answered yes to both questions, you're required to have flood insurance.

If you live in a moderate- or low-risk area, you aren't federally obligated to have this kind of insurance, although some lenders may still require it.

In some situations, government aid is available for flood damage to homeowners who didn’t have flood insurance. However, if they want to quality for future aid, they need to purchase a flood policy first.

Is One Rate Just Like the Other?

Historically flood insurance rates are set nationally and don’t differ from company to company or from agent to agent. Recently Lloyds of London has come into the market to offer a program to owner occupied homes in the AE zone at a discounted rate of the FEMA set price. Contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance to see if your home qualifies for this new program.

The rate is based on a number of factors. Including the age of your home or building, how it was built, the elevation of your property, and its overall flood risk.

You can find out what that rate would be by requesting a quote for a flood insurance policy.

Contemplating Coverage Impacts and Limits

Another factor companies take into consideration when determining your rate is the desired amount of coverage.

Be aware that standard flood policies place certain limits on the coverage they offer.

Homeowners can buy a maximum coverage of $250,000 for buildings. And up to $100,000 for the contents.

Buildings may include the actual structure and its foundation, as well as any air-conditioning, electrical, heating, and plumbing systems and equipment.

Business owners can buy up to $500,000 in structure coverage and $500,000 in personal property coverage.

If your building is worth over $250,000, you'll have to buy excess flood insurance. This increases your coverage limit to $750,000. (Businesses can extend their coverage up to $1 million.)

Don't Worry, It's Easy to Buy

Despite the fact that flood insurance is a separate policy, it isn't difficult to purchase.

In fact, it may be easier to buy than some other forms of insurance. Options are limited to private companies and agents that have partnered with the NFIP.

A Few More Things You Should Know About Flood Insurance

There's a 30 day waiting period. In most cases, flood insurance policies won’t take effect until after that period is over.

You'll still be eligible for government aid. Having flood insurance won't prevent you from receiving government aid if you live in an area declared as a federal disaster area due to flooding.

Government aid isn't a suitable alternative to a flood policy. You may be thinking, "Hey, why should I bother paying for insurance when federal disaster assistance will bail me out?"

The reality is government aid isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are a few reasons for that.

First, before a community can become eligible for this assistance, it has to be declared a federal disaster area. And these declarations are issued in less than 50 percent of flooding incidents.

Second, federal disaster aid usually takes the form of a low-interest loan. The loan is designed to help pay for the repair of flood damage. It isn’t straight compensation that doesn't need to be repaid.

A flood is a fairly specifically defined event. Just because your basement fills up with water after a torrential rain storm, doesn't mean the resulting devastation will be covered by your insurance policy.

For that to happen, the flood has to affect two or more properties. Or, if affects only your property, it has to have covered two or more acres of land.

Also, you might want to note that damage from wind-driven rain--such as when rain comes through a hole in a wall or roof, or through a wind-damaged window--isn't considered flood-related.

For more information, contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Home Insurance – Weymouth, Braintree, MA

Joseph Coupal - Wednesday, July 27, 2016

It’s home buying season. Home owners insurance is required in order to get a loan. Many first time home buyers have questions about home insurance, here are answers to some FAQs.

Q. What does homeowners insurance cover?

A. Homeowners insurance typically covers the structure of your home, other structures on your property, personal belongings, and personal liability.

With home owners insurance you will be protected against fire, lightning, wind, theft, vandalism, and many other specific causes of damage or loss. It also provides Loss of Use Coverage, which helps pay expenses incurred if your home is damaged and you have to live elsewhere.

Q. How do I know how much coverage I need for my home?

A. Your insurance broker will evaluate your home’s specifications and upgrades to calculate the replacement cost using software that also take in to consideration location, type of home and how accessible your home is. The policy will also have set amount of additional coverage for personal property, loss of use, and options for your liability limits to protect you from a lawsuit.

Q: Does the neighborhood I’m moving to affect my insurance rates?

A: The neighborhood and location of your home plays a role in determining your insurance premium. Living in an area near the ocean has different risks than if you lived in the Berkshires. Each town or city is rated differently according to many factors including wind exposure, location to a fire station or fire hydrant, and population per sqare mile. These are just a few of the factors used to come up with the rate.

Q. Is it required to have homeowners insurance?

A. If you finance your home with a mortgage, your lender will require you to have a home insurance policy to protect your home in case of damage cause by unforeseen circumstances.

Q. What is unscheduled personal property?

A. "Unscheduled property" is property that is covered in your main insurance, but is not specifically itemized or valued. These items do not warrant specific insurance and are covered under the original policy.

Q. How do I decide which items to separately schedule on my home insurance policy?

A. Most home insurance policies cover personal belongings up to a specified dollar limit. Specific valuables that are more valuable may be separately scheduled on your homeowners or renters insurance policy. Scheduled items often include jewelry, electronics, collectibles of various types, and fine art.

For more information or answers to other questions regarding home insurance, contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance.

Homeowners Insurance Tips for First Time Home Buyers – Weymouth, Braintree, MA

Joseph Coupal - Monday, July 18, 2016

What first time homebuyers need to know about homeowners insurance when shopping for a policy to protect their new investment.

Purchasing your first home is exciting and stressful. And homeowners insurance is imperative.

To prevent getting in a financial bind, get estimates on your homeowner’s insurance policy. Especially before putting down a large sum on your home.

Deciding which type of homeowner’s insurance policy to purchase can be complicated.  Here’s a few standard actions homeowners should take when purchasing their first home insurance policy.

Explore Your Options

Doing your research is the top piece of advice insurance brokers provide. When seeking a quote, there are many factors that determine your home insurance premium.

These factors may include location of the home, proximity to the fire department, previous claims filed, the age of the home, etc. Because so many factors go into determining premiums, you’ll want to ask about rebates.

You can help by fixing up or renovating your new home. Purchase safety features like an alarm system and smoke alarms. These will often reduce the cost of your coverage.

Premiums can be expensive. It’s important to shop around to get the best deal possible.

Be sure to get multiple quotes, because every carrier has a different pricing model. Your rates could vary significantly from one carrier to the next.

There’s no way to know which carrier will have the lowest rates for your particular circumstances. What you can do is use an insurance broker to help you gather quotes and find the best policy for your needs.

Bundle Your Policies

Bundling means combining auto insurance and homeowners under one policy. It can result in significant discounts and save you money.

Insurance companies want your business. By purchasing both an auto and homeowners policy, they’ll be more willing to give you a deal.

Besides bundling, you can have your homeowners premiums included in your mortgage payment. This is called an escrow account.

Your mortgage lender will pay your property tax and insurance premiums for you. Just make one combined monthly payment. This payment includes your mortgage and one twelfth of your annual property taxes.

Choosing a policy can be straightforward. However, consumers should be cautious of what is or isn’t covered in their policy.

Special luxuries and antiquities are not always covered. It’s important to do your research.

Sometimes adding endorsements or riders to your policy will help you get the coverage you need.

Assess Risk

Risk associated with your home or area you’ll be living in is critical. You measure risk in terms of “likelihood”.

Home insurers look at the likelihood of a natural disaster or other unforeseeable misfortune occurring. The definition for this is peril.

Where you live will dictate the type of homeowner’s insurance you’ll need. Some areas need flood insurance. Others need earthquake insurance.

Lower levels of risk result in lower home insurance premiums.

Homeowners insurance is not, “one size fits all”. There are several different types of homeowner’s policies (forms).

Which one is right for you, depends on the location of your home. This dictates the types of perils that may occur. And the relative risk of experiencing one of these perils.

The most common homeowner’s policy is the special form. They call this homeowners form 3 (HO-3).

This form covers all perils except for ones specifically excluded.

  • Ordinance of law
  • Water damage
  • Power failure
  • Neglect
  • War
  • Nuclear hazard
  • Intentional loss
  • Government action

It would be in your best interest to add on flood insurance, if you live in a flood-prone area. Sometimes law requires it.  Another popular policy many first time homeowners go with is the broad form. Also known as homeowners form 2 (HO-2).

This policy only covers 16 perils. Again, depending on where you live, this may or may not be the best policy.

It might be best to purchase an HO-3 policy to get protection from more perils. Or you can add endorsements such as extended replacement cost coverage. This pays out additional money to repair your home if needed.

All of these choices come with different premium amounts. To help ensure you get the best rate, use an insurance broker to get and compare quotes.

If you are moving to an area with a low risk of natural disasters, you might not need to purchase extra coverage. However, don’t assume where you’re buying a home lacks natural disasters.

Speak to an insurance broker. They can assess exactly the type of coverage you’ll need.

Along with the type of policy, there are varying amounts of coverage available. For example, you may opt to cover the entire value of your dwelling/home.

You can ask for coverage to include additional living expenses in case you lose your home to a covered peril. Your amount of coverage is due to the probability of a natural disaster occurring. Again, a licensed insurance agent or broker can help you determine your needs.

Wear and Tear of the Home

It’s important to assess what needs fixing up on your new home. Do this before deciding which type of homeowner’s coverage to invest in.

By spending up front to correct issues, you’ll be saving money in the long run. If you didn’t have a home inspection as part of the buying process, have one done.

Fix any items surfaced as a result of the inspection.  Tell your home insurance agent. This may result in a lower price tag on your premium.


The Comprehensive Loan Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) is a consumer reporting agency powered by LexisNexis. It allows you to search the history of the home you’re interested in purchasing.

It tells you about any previous claims for the home going back seven years. We recommend all homebuyers use this service first, before purchasing.

CLUE is a useful tool to determine what the cost of your homeowner’s insurance premium might be. It lists everything that’s gone wrong with the home in the past. This provides an idea of risk and what your policy could cost.

Assess Your Credit

People often overlook that insurance companies take your credit score into account when quoting premiums. It’s important to have a good credit score.

This tells mortgage lenders you are trustworthy and will pay them back. The same goes for purchasing insurance.

A high credit score means lower premiums and mortgage rates on your first home.

For more information on home owners insurance for first time buyers, contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance.

Motorcycle Insurance in Massachusetts – Braintree, Weymouth, MA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The South Shore has some of the most scenic and exhilarating roads in Massachusetts. If you favor riding your motorcycles during nice weather over driving your car, make sure you have adequate motorcycle insurance coverage before heading out onto the open road this summer.

To legally ride a motorcycle owned or leased in Massachusetts, you must maintain a minimum amount of liability insurance coverage. Before you can ride on public ways the state requires you to be able to take financial responsibility in the event of an accident.

Those licensed in the state of Massachusetts are required by law to carry bodily and property liability insurance. Liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage that you may cause to other people involved in an accident, but it does not cover you or your motorcycle, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Guest Passenger Liability, when added to the policy, protects you for the injury to a passenger on your motorcycle.

Collision insurance covers damage to your motorcycle if you are in an accident. Your insurance company pays for damages, not including your deductible, and typically covers the actual cash value of the motorcycle before the accident.

Comprehensive coverage pays for damages not caused by an accident, such as fire, theft or vandalism, says the Institute.  Again, your insurance company will pay for damages, minus your deductible, and will cover your motorcycle’s actual cash value.

If you have optional accessories on your motorcycle, such as custom paint, extra chrome or sidecars, you’ll likely need to request additional coverage.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage covers injury to you and/or damage to your property caused by another driver who is at fault but either doesn't have insurance or has inadequate insurance.

The cost of your policy will be affected by your age, number of operators, driving record, garaging address, kind of motorcycle, and if you’ve taken a rider-safety course.

Always check with Lallis & Higgins Insurance about other possible discounts.

For more information on motorcycle insurance, contact us.

Modern Insurance for Your Classic Car – Weymouth, Braintree, MA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, July 07, 2016

It takes more than age to make it a classic. A collector car isn’t just a way to get around. It’s an investment that will continue to appreciate in coming years.

Not all classic or antique cars are used the same, so Lallis & Higgins Insurance will work with you to select the appropriate classic or antique car insurance policy to accommodate coverage needs, miles driven, vehicle age, and vehicle modifications to make sure you have the best policy to meet your needs. Here are some features you should look for when shopping for classic car insurance:

  • Agreed Value: This means the provider will pay you the full (agreed to) amount in the event of a covered total loss, less any applicable deductible. This type of coverage is much better than “actual cash value” or “stated value” that you may get with some companies.
  • Low Rates: Why pay full-time insurance when you driver your collector car only part-time.
  • Coverage Options: Not all collector cars are the same, so Lallis & Higgins Insurance can work with you to determine the right amount of coverage to meet your specific needs.
  • Generous Mileage: You’re proud of your collector car, so drive it. Not all insurance companies have a mileage limit, but most collector cars should be driven less than 5,000 annual miles to maintain their value.
  • Roadside Assistance: Whether you’re down the street or on a classic rally through the mountains, you’ll want to find coverage that will flatbed your car to the closest qualified repair facility.

Do you need the insurance for your prize Mustang, Camaro, Charger, Corvette, Thunderbird, or other collector car? Talk with Lallis & Higgins Insurance today to identify the best combination of coverage, value, and price for you. We can help make sure your insurance continually meets your needs.

Five Free or Inexpensive Summer Ideas to Enjoy With your Family – Hingham, Weymouth, Braintree, MA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 30, 2016

1. Take in a free summer concert. Many communities offer free concerts for you and your family to enjoy. Here is some information on some of those concerts:

  • Abington holds a concert every Sunday starting at 6:00 pm through August 28th at the Catherrine and Joseph Nisby Bandstand. This is free for the whole family, and is held.
  • The Braintree concert series is held Tuesday evening from 6 – 8 pm thru August 9 th at Sunset Lake in South Braintree.
  • The Launch at the Hingham Shipyard hosts a free concert every Friday evening starting at 7pm. This series goes on through August 26th.
  • Every Thursday night in July Weymouth holds free concerts from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the Ralph Talbot Amphitheater next to Town Hall.
  • Milton Parks and Recreations holds free summer concerts Wednesday nights throughout August 10th. All concerts begin at 6:00pm.
  • Boston Harbor Hotel holds free concerts Tuesday – Thursday from 6 – 10:00 pm. The free concert series runs through September 8th .

2. Pack a lunch and take the ferry to one of six islands in Boston Harbor - Georges, Spectacle, Peddocks, Lovells, Grape and Bumpkin Islands. Great opportunity to explore the beautiful islands National and State Parks with your family, and enjoy a quite picnic at sea. All six islands are accessible from Boston with additional departures from Hingham, and Hull. Visit to plan your trip.

3. Kayak the Atlantic, Charles River or Hingham Harbor. It’s now easier than ever to enjoy our local waterways even if you don’t own a kayak. Nantasket Kayaks, Charles River Canoe and Kayak, and the Hingham Harbor Marina all have affordable kayak rental prices.

4. Watch a movie under the stars! Many towns offer a free movie night held outside. Be sure to bring a lawn chair and a blanket and cozy up to watch a flick with your family.

  • Every Thursday night in August Weymouth holds free outdoor Movies from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at the Ralph Talbot Amphitheater next to Town Hall.
  • The Launch at Hingham Shipyard shows movies each Thursday night through August 25th . Movies begin at Dusk, and can be seen on the Amphitheatre.
  • Summer in the City at Boston Harbor Hotel. Movie begin at dusk each Friday evening through September 9th .
  • Free Friday Flicks at the Hatch Shell. Movies start at dusk each Friday and run through August 26th .

5. Visit a local farm! Massachusetts’ local farms give an opportunity for you to pick fresh fruit and enjoy some fun actives with the family during your visit. Here is some of our favorites:

  • Davis Farmland in Sterling offers a Play and Spray experience where your children can go to cool off, along with an animal showcase and pick your own apples.
  • Connors Farm in Danvers has a ton of things for you and the family to do. They offer season fruit picking from blueberries to apples, a corn maze, gemstone mining, live entertainment and a petting zoo to name a few.
  • Smolak Farms in North Andover have a wide variety of animals in their petting zoo. You can also pick your own fruit, take a hay ride and there is a playground for the children to play in.

BOAT AND WATERCRAFT INSURANCE – Weymouth, Hingham, Braintree, MA

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Lallis & Higgins Insurance can help make your time on the water relaxed and worry-free! We will find you comprehensive protection that protects you, your friends and family, your watercraft and your boating equipment. The average boat costs less than a dollar a day to insure. You’ll enjoy being on the water even more when you aren’t worried about your safety, the safety your passengers, or your investment.

Massachusetts – Do you know what to look for in a watercraft insurance policy? Lallis & Higgins Insurance can help you determine the right amount of coverage to meet your specific needs. Just contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance to get started. Here are some items you’ll need to consider when shopping for boat insurance in Massachusetts.

* Navigational Area:

Know where you are covered in the water. Some companies, such as Safeco Insurance, offer protection that covers you up to 75 miles from the U.S. coastline; into Canadian coastal or inland waters; and into the Pacific coastal waters of Mexico. In California, Florida and Oregon, additional coverage area can be purchased.

* Agreed Value Coverage:

Watercrafts depreciate just like automobiles. Actual cash value policies can make it difficult to replace a boat that’s been stolen or destroyed. This means that if your boat is a total loss you will get the value you insured it for, minus any deductible.

* Liability

Like car insurance, personal liability coverage provides coverage to other boaters and boat owners in the event you are at-fault for an accident on the water. This coverage will pay to repair or replace the property of someone else as well as for their medical care, lost wages and other costs incurred as a result of a boating accident for which you are at-fault.

* Medical Payments

Medical payments coverage will pay for the cost of needed care that is the result of a boating accident. This coverage is available from $500 to $10,000 and covers you, your passengers, and even your water skiers/tubers, regardless of who is at-fault.

* Physical Damage Coverage

Physical damage coverage pays for the cost to repair or replace your watercraft, its motor, any permanently attached equipment, and your trailer, if it is stolen or damaged.

* Uninsured/Underinsured Watercraft Bodily Injury

Since boat coverage is not always mandatory, many boaters choose not to get insurance. If you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured boater, and you are injured, this type of coverage pays for medical treatment, lost wages, and other costs associated with the accident.

* Fuel Spill Liability and Wreckage Removal

Should your boat sink or be seriously damaged, there is a chance that it could leak oil or fuel into the water. As the boat’s owner you are required by law to have this cleaned up, which can be time consuming and expensive.

* Personal Effects

Your policy can provide coverage for many personal effects, including clothing, jewelry, cell phones, scuba/snorkeling and other sporting equipment, and fishing equipment. Limits vary by state – check with Lallis and Higgins for information. Personal effects coverage does not include jewelry, watches or furs.

* Unattached Equipment Coverage

This pays to repair or replace equipment that isn’t permanently attached to your boat or personal watercraft, but is designed for use primarily on a boat. This includes items like lifesaving equipment, water skis, anchors, oars, fire extinguishers, tarps etc.

* Emergency Assistance

The Emergency Assistance Package provides coverage for towing, labor and delivery of gas, oil or loaned battery if the watercraft is disabled while on the water. Every need is unique – contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance today to find out how to get the best boat and watercraft insurance coverage for you.

Thank You from Lallis & Higgins Insurance for Voting us 2016 Reader’s Choice #1! - Hingham, MA

Joseph Coupal - Friday, June 24, 2016

Lallis & Higgins Insurance has been awarded  #1 Reader’s Choice Award in the Insurance Agency category for the town of Hingham. We would like to thank all of YOU, our customers who have chosen us over the years. Hingham served us well over the last year and a half, and we are excited to see what our new location at 440 Washington St in Weymouth brings for the future.

“There is no better feeling than when clients walks away knowing they are truly protected with a Lallis and Higgins Insurance policy….” - Anthony Lallis

We are dedicated to getting you an insurance policy that meets your needs as well as your budget. Whether it is home, car, life, renter, business, recreational vehicles, or a combination, we work with you to get a policy that is affordable with coverage that protects you, your interests, and your family.

Thank you again from Lallis & Higgins Insurance.

What Home Buyers Need to Know About Homeowners Insurance - Weymouth, Braintree, MA

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 16, 2016

Home buying season is now. No sensible car owner would drive without insurance, so it figures that no homeowner should be without insurance either.

The essential idea behind various forms of insurance is to protect owners in the event of catastrophe. If something goes wrong, insurance can be the bargain of a lifetime.

What Kind of Insurance and How Much?

There are various forms of homeownership insurance, including these major types:

Home Warranties: Buyers want assurance the builder will be there to make repairs if something goes wrong after the completion of their new home. But what if the builder refuses to do the work or goes out of business? Home warranties bought from third parties by home builders are generally designed to provide several forms of protection: workmanship for the first year, mechanical problems such as plumbing and wiring for the first two years, and structural defects for up to 10 years. Home warranties for existing homes are typically one-year service agreements purchased by sellers. In the event of a covered defect or breakdown, the warranty firm will step in and make the repair or cover its cost. Insurance policies and warranties have limitations and individual programs have different levels of coverage, deductibles and costs.

Homeowner Insurance: This insurance provides coverage to your home against damage caused by fire, theft, and damage from weather related events.  The home policy also extends protection to the homeowner through the liability portion of the home policy. Homeowners policies are required by lenders and often cover a surprising number of items, including jewelry, furniture and home office equipment. You can also place higher valued items such as an engagement ring or collectibles on to the home policy for an additional charge.

Flood Insurance: This insurance is commonly issued by the federal government to provide as much as $250,000 in coverage for a single-family home. Lloyds of London now has a preferred rate option that can offer a flood policy at a discounted rate for the same amount of coverage. We suggest you check with your mortgage company to see if your mortgage lender accepts the Lloyds of London program, and if your mortgage requires you to hold a flood insurance policy.

Homestead Protection: The Massachusetts Homestead Act is a law under which a homeowner is protected by an Estate of Homestead. A homestead estate provides limited protection of the value of the home, up to $500,000, against unsecured creditor claims. The Homestead Act is Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 188. Consult your closing attorney for assistance with filing for your homestead request.

It's important to discuss home warranties prior to signing a purchase and sale of your new home, and if your situation qualifies for any warranties. Your mortgage company will request an insurance binder for the closing, so get quotes on homeowner and flood insurance coverage thirty days prior to closing as your mortgage company will require a binder typically ten to fourteen days prior to closing.  Your insurance agent will be able to help facilitate the homeowner insurance portion with your mortgage broker.

Contact Lallis & Higgins Insurance for more information on homeowner and flood insurance.

Get an insurance quote &
see how much you can save.